
Amanda Lenox Amanda Lenox

The DSM is Not as Good as the PDM

There's a growing sentiment among psychoanalytic lovers, mental health professionals, psychology students, and psychiatry enthusiasts that the DSM may not be the best tool available.

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Amanda Lenox Amanda Lenox

Building Self-Confidence in the Face of Doubt

In the labyrinth of our minds, doubt often emerges as one of the most persistent and challenging obstacles. For mental health enthusiasts and anyone striving to improve their well-being, learning to eliminate doubt is a crucial step towards building a healthier, more confident self.

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Amanda Lenox Amanda Lenox

Can a psychoanayst practice polyvagal theory?

Yes, a psychoanalytic therapist can use polyvagal theory (PVT) knowledge in their work. PVT is a collection of psychological, neuroscientific, and evolutionary constructs, that relate to the vagus nerve's role in fear response, emotion regulation, and social connection. 

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Amanda Lenox Amanda Lenox

Schore Insights: Delving Into the Work of Allan Schore.

Allan Schore is a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist who has made significant contributions to the field of attachment theory, developmental psychology, and neuropsychology. Some key takeaways from his work include:

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Amanda Lenox Amanda Lenox

The Resilient Brain: Building Strength in the Prefrontal Cortex

Resiliency, the ability to recover quickly from difficulties, is a crucial trait to build as it enables people to manage stress, overcome challenges, and maintain mental well-being. In "The Emotional Life of Your Brain," Richard Davidson discusses building more resilience by stimulating the prefrontal cortex, namely on the left side (Schore, 2015).

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Amanda Lenox Amanda Lenox

Exploring the Intersection of Polyvagal Theory and Psychoanalysis

Mental health is a complex tapestry woven from various threads, each representing different theories and approaches. Among these, Polyvagal Theory (PVT) and psychoanalysis are two strands that offer profound insights into human behavior, emotions, and relationships. In this post, we will explore how these theories intersect and complement each other, providing a richer understanding of mental health.

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Amanda Lenox Amanda Lenox

How Psychoanalysts Shaped the Development of Polyvagal Theory

While Porges' work is interdisciplinary and draws from multiple fields, he has consistently acknowledged the significance of psychoanalytic thought in shaping his ideas about early attachment, emotional regulation, and the autonomic nervous system.

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Amanda Lenox Amanda Lenox

Understanding a Fixated Life

A fixated life is a concept that refers to a life that has been put on hold, either temporarily or permanently, due to external influences or internal struggles.

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